Friday, December 19, 2008

I feel sick.

I feel like shit. I left work early yesterday and called off for today. I never get sick but when I do I turn into the biggest baby on the planet. I get super bitchy and mostly want to be waited on hand and foot and then left to my own devices. I remember one of those lame family shows that I used to watch as a kid had an episode where they gave a sick child a bell to ring when she needed something. I think it was full house. I want a bell. I want to ring it and have someone come running, give me what I need, and then they must go away.

So today is reading day. I'm gonna drink earl grey tea and oj and read the 6 books and 1 magazine on my nightstand.
They are:
Bitch Magazine: The Noir Issue
Aloud: Voices from the Nuyorican Poets Cafe - Ed by Bob Holman and Miguel Algarian
Crafting the Body Divine - Yasmine Galenorn
Witches & Warlocks - Ed by Marvin Kaye
Son of a Witch - Gregory Maguire
We Have Always Lived in the Castle - Shirley Jackson
The Guide to Getting It On (6th Edition) - Paul Joannides, Psy.D.

I probably won't finish any of these but I should make some significant progress. Then I won't feel guilty about checking some new books out from the library. Although, I will probably get some for Christmas.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

An impressive list for a day's worth of reading. Thanks so much for including my book, and for including the new 6th edition. (People don't realize that I put as much work into each new edition as a lot of authors do in their entire book. There are ten new chapters, and two of the prior were almost totally rewritten, plus more than 2,000 updates and smaller fixes.)

By the way, the entire book was done on Macs, from the very first draft way back when on an SE-30.

Your tattoo looks VERY impressive. My compliments to the artist. As you might notice, I was very stand-offish about tattoos in the new chapter on tattoos and piercing, because I fear a lot people just get them without doing the work to find the best artist they can and without doing a design that will have meaning to them 5 years from now. You seem to have been very careful and the result shows.

A friend of mine who is an attorney used to be a roller-derby pro when she was your age. She loved roller derby. It was great preparation for being a lawyer, as well, so I hope you'll work on getting your degree. There may come a time when it will come in handy.

Best wishes and I hope you are feeling better.

Paul Joannides, Psy.D.
author "Guide To Getting It On"

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